25 June 2013

content; apparently not everyone has it

Have you ever looked at random people on a busy street and thought, well, perhaps everybody is busy chasing time, dreams, money etc? And then you just sat there looking at these people and thought for yourself, 
"what am I doing and why am I not chasing anything?"

A lot of people are busy chasing thing but sometimes they just don't realize that others are content with what they have.
We are so consumed with the societal perceptions that we tend to forget how we are really okay about ourselves.

Some people are fine with their non/semi-professional jobs, while others underestimate their path of careers.
Some people are fine with their body figure, while others mock them for being fat/plump/short/disproportionate.
Some people are fine with their financial income, while others accuse them for not working hard enough.
Some people are fine with their personal situations, while others gossip about their inability to have children/spouse.

Society judge because they expect us to fit in their shoes. They want us to be like them thus forcing us to change ourselves into them. 
Is that fair? 
Does that make us happy?
Does that make them happy?

A friend gave a remark which deeply offended me the other day but I suppose I must have done the same to other people before so I just shut it up and vent it here.
If I have ever offended you, readers, I'd like to offer you my sincerest apologies. Thank you.