05 April 2010

toy story

I miss my Bunny but if I still have it now, I won't be sleeping with it.

Many people have toys when they were still a little kid. Now, they have grown up and they have actually forgotten about those toys.
Today is my sister's fifth birthday and my siblings and I had trouble deciding what to buy for her. Budak kecil kan, demand melampau juga.

But it is actually funny to visit the toys store and discover that many of the toys that I used to have (or I used to see other kids play), have actually improved.

And I still like my old toys better.

When I was five (or four), my aunt gave me a white bunny soft toy wearing a pink dress. During those times, the bunny was as big as mine. I carried the bunny everywhere, literally. In fact, there was a picture of me with my knees injured and I might had done crying (there were tears in my eyes). I have that bunny on my left. Anywhere I go, I will bring the bunny. It had been a pillow for me and a great company.

Then, Mom also gave me a brown teddy bear. It is quite plump and very soft. Anybody could barely see its eyes because the fur covered them. I used to like it too. It is much easier to carry because of the smaller size and lighter. Once, I brought it to my neighbour's house and her dad said,

"Bawak apa tu?"

"Teddy bear."

"Yes, I can see that. Apa nama dia?"

"Teddy kot." *shrugging shoulder*

"Apa kata uncle bagi nama dekat dia?"


"Let's name it, aaa, Kassim !"

*buat muka pelik tahap karma*

The only thing I can relate with the name was Kassim Selamat, the main character in Ibu Mertuaku. A famous act by P. Ramlee. Tipulah uncle, I knew you watch the movie too, the day before. Sebab I pun sama ! He he.

Anyway, my sister keeps a lot of soft toys in her room, on this current date. Thanks to me because on my farewell occasion, some people successfully shoved some presents which most of them are soft toys. Of all the presents, I really adore the smallest present I received. Nanti cerita kat post lain.

Today, I dislike soft toys. And whenever I sleep anywhere near them, I will get a nightmare. Once, I threw my senior's teddy bear (looks exactly like Mr. Bean's) to another bed just because I couldn't continue my sleep properly.

So little sisters, that is why I would never ever give soft toys for the collection your room. I gave many to y'all already. Cukup la tu kot. Mari beri sesuatu yang lebih berfaedah like books *masak kau, kakak kau kan gila buku*

footnote: Penat balik PD mandi laut he he. Tapi I loike the sunset a lot !


  1. "I miss my Bunny but if I still have it now, I won't be sleeping with it."

    I haven't forgotten all those days. In fact, I still have my MAX and he's turning 12 this October. HAHA

  2. whoa. so lucky of you. terharu :')
