27 September 2010

when I grow up

Rearranging mood. Trying, at least.

I want a square house and and terraced. I hate bungalows because I have this pessimist thought that they have got to be haunted, somehow. I want a double-storeyed because I like walls at the stairs. I hate big houses because they scare me and high ceilings make me feel super-short. Then, this double-storeyed terrace house, I will paint it blue. I will paint the frame of the door yellow, the door red, the window frame green and the flower bed brown. It will turn out much like this:

I have ugly hands for computer mouse. I like this kind of house. I don't know why it impresses me. Colourful much, eh? Then, I am going to put a lot and a lot of books, that the books might be more than food, in this house.
After all, there's no other place feels like home.

footnote: Ada ke square houses with flat rooftop in my country? Ada kot.
Mahal kot. Habislah kau bakal suami HAHAHHAHAHAHA.

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