Practically, it isn't we. It is 'most of us'.
One day, let's say in 2007, you saw something, let's say a lomo camera.
You're impressed.
You told people about it and they don't seem to care because it isn't in the trend. Yet.
So you thought of buying it but you rethought.
You said to yourself: 'It is not in the trend.'
But you forgot to mention to yourself: 'Yet.'
Later then, let's say in 2010, you saw people are into something, let's say lomo cameras.
They are sold at many places even more expensive than those that you saw back in 2007.
Your friends are telling you that they have this thing.
Almost everybody wants it that you sees that thing is actually replacing the trend of someting else before, let's say DSLR.
You thought of buying it but you rethought.
You said to yourself: 'I don't want to be labelled as copycat or something.'
People are odd.
Let's say, people is U (instead of X as for unknown). So, U is/are odd here.
U see this one thing that U is/are interested in and U's/your friends tell U that that one thing seems freak.
U forget about it because U trust your friends more that U trust itself/yourself.
Later, U's/your friends get that one thing in hand and U is/are unsatisfied with that friend.
U would probably say: What a damn friend, he/she stole that one thing trend from me!
I would blame U. And I am not representing anybody but me, myself (and I).
Kawan yang berdengki tu biasalah. Kau bukan boleh buat apa pun sebab kau dalam cerita ni ialah innocent figure, watak yang baik. Kau hanya mampu berdengki dalam hati sendiri je. Paling-paling kau akan mention kat kawan yang lain ialah What the hell kenapa pulak sipolan ni yang guna benda alah ni. Dulu sipolan ni gak yang kata benda alah ni tah apa-apa.
Contoh lain ialah siri komedi How I Met Your Mother dan aksesori vintage.
Main point: Ada manusia ni minat burung hantu, turqoise, dandelion, buah mangga dan obor-obor.
Tiba-tiba, recently, ada seorang rakan dia mengaku suka burung hantu, turqoise dan macam-macam lagi perkara yang ada manusia ni suka.
Nasib baik mereka tak suka orang yang sama. Hehehe.
Harus benci the word copycat, envy dan sewaktu dengannya. Boleh memusnahkan persahabatan.
Jargon: I wonder if the Bro's Codes state anything regarding these matters.
Unresolved matters.
True story.
ahahha baca bro code juga? i suka "around the world" :p
ReplyDeletedefinitely. awesome gilaaaaaa buy me one copy if you find one lah :DD