This is boredom.
My last final exam paper was last week's Monday. It has only been a week and a half day and these are what I've done (so far) to kill the boredom:
- Re-watch all Harry Potter movies. Twice each.
- Re-read all Harry Potter books except the 7th (skipped few parts).
- Re-read Inkheart for the third time.
- Watch Inkheart, Prince of Persia, Furry Vengeance etc.
- Watch all episodes of How I Met Your Mother of all seasons.
- Re-read half of the Lord of The Rings sequel (and always fall asleep).
- Watch 500 Days of Summer five times (pardon me) and The Time Traveler's Wife thrice.
- Drive Twelve's car.
- Travel with Twelve from his place to IKEA, eat stuffs and read comics at Borders.
- Sleep for more than 12 hours.
I am applying for part time jobs or I cannot go on that trip. Dang (!)
Speaking of trip, Mom is going to Singapore and I envy her. Since she discovered that I am brilliant and dependent at travelling alone or with friends, she locked my passport in somewhere REALLY safe. I hate this.
Speaking of discover, I just knew yesterday that tomorrow is Hari Raya Aidiladha. Mom told me about it and I wasn't sure but I didn't ask her back because I knew she make the you-are-so-ignorant-of-the-world-with-your-movies-and-sleeping face. I asked Twelve and he said yes.
Speaking of ignorant, I suddenly remembered my friend hates this person because she seems to like things that other people like but she doesn't even know what that thing is. This friend tells me like this, 'She likes Bali (for example) because Bali is famous. Everybody likes Bali because everybody has read about Bali, or researched Bali or watched Bali yada yada yada. She never did but she claimed she likes Bali a lot even more than anyone else.'
Can you break this friend's statement for me? Hahahaha sorry dude, or babe.
Speaking of babe, my dad bought me this one pair of boots like Lily had in How I Met Your Mother but I really have no idea when to wear it. Raya Korban esok boleh ke? Haha.
Salam Hari Raya Aidiladha to all Muslims. Salam perantauan untuk mereka yang menduduki exam (atau tidak) di mana-mana yang jauh dari rumah semoga ibadah anda sempurna, tak bangun lambat, daging-daging sedap dan tak nangis rindu rumah mak bapak serta tak dengki dengan saya okay bye bye.
See, I am freaking bored.
True story stories.
i understand....... hahaha
ReplyDeletego watch rapunzel with twelve or ara or both! sure you'll like it ;DD
nak tengok harry potter 7 ! :DD