A house that has a library in it has a soul.
One day, I was creating an account for Twitter which should be around May in 2009. I had to choose a username and so I did.
My initial intention was to create a name so that people from both secondary schools that I attended are able to recognize me. One school calls me with Zue and the other calls me Hana.
That was where the Hana sticks. But I have trouble with Zue - particularly because ZueHana would be really weird and well, that's not my name.
So, then comes the cheesy part that I refuse to tell you here but I think you could guess the reason yourself and thus I choose to have 'L' in that name. Therefore, I replaced 'Z' with 'L' but LuHana is also super weird. Even weirder than ZueHana.
I am a big fan of repetition in words. I could explain with my obsession with the word 'Urgle-urgle' once (and still). By the way, there's no such thing as kata ganda in English. No idea why.
So I doubled Lu - it becomes Lulu. I like Lulu. Here -
This girl in red dress is Little Lulu. I used to watch the show when I was little. My brother dislikes the show but hey, I'm the eldest. Besides, he watched all sorts of other cartoons that I didn't like.
Anyway, I got Luluhana and I turned all characters to small letters - luluhana.
Hana means flower, softness, nose, graciousness, colourful, blossom, happiness, grace and faithful in many different languages.
Lulu means peaceful, calm, protected, precious and most importantly, I find it fits the meaning of my real first name - a very attractive and seducing looking woman.
Please, I beg you, not to look at me that way. I am faaaarrr from seducing. Let alone attractive.
So we have luluhana!
Not that I dislike my real name, I like it! But some people don't so - haters gonna hate. Flip ya!
Until then.