14 May 2012

to steal time

Did you sail across the sun? Did you make it to the Milky Way?

Semester 4 of 8 - Half of the semester passed. This is my progress.

Subject 1.
I had my first and I studied two hours before the quiz. My result was pretty doomed but I passed more than half of the full marks. I have not done my individual presentation because I skipped several classes. I have no specific reason to skip the class. Sometimes, I am wide awake on my bed but I just stare the ceiling even if I were ready for the class.
Need to seriously fixed.

Subject 2.
I will be having my first micro teaching this week.Wish me well, wish me best, wish me awesome. Well, pray us best because we're teaching in pairs. Haven't had any quiz yet. I enjoy the classes but attendance needed to be supervised.
Need to be more careful.

Subject 3.
I should be honest: I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I'VE REALLY GATHERED from this subject. Will be having a quiz this week and at this hour, I planned to start sketching out mind maps for the subject. Had reflective quiz before and it was totally informative. Hopefully. This is the only subject with final paper so I guess I really must work harder.
Need to study better.

Subject 4. 
This subject requires reading theoretical stuff but will be assessed practically. Unfair? I'm not sure. Had first quiz, know no result. Next quiz is next week. Micro teaching after the holiday and attendance bravo! Almost perfect.
Need to revise and plan well.

Subject 5.
Most interesting subject even though probably least favourite. Didn't do well on individual presentation. Almost perfect for group presentation. Full mark for reflective journal.
Need to self-pat at the back.

Subject 6.
Hated this class. Interesting subject. Highest mark in class for the first presentation.
Need to stay awake in classes.

Subject 7.
Wo bu shi dao. Haiya.
Need to study as per usual.

I almost died.

On slightly related note;

Be happy. No, just hyperventilate and cheer.
Always the best; #COYG .  Congratulations on making third and into CL. 
Farewell, Pat Rice. Enjoy your retirement, I suppose.

Look at the time! Off to bed!

footnote: It's raining and this is the umbrella.