05 June 2012

story of the travelling feet

Once upon a time somebody ran away as fast as I can.

I just got back from another trip from upstate; this one was much longer than before. 
I didn't get to visit the beach as always but I went nearby the Kinta river this time from the Jelajah Batu Gajah journey. 

Jelajah Batu Gajah is another spontaneous idea I had like a week before the trip. To be honest, at that time I wasn't sure if I should travel upstate again since I just did three weeks before. I followed my guts (because if I choose my instinct, the best would usually comes out) and traveled anyway.

The trip happened mainly because I got a free ride from Mama's school. They were sending their students for Asian Debate Competition in Ipoh and I joined their ride. It was a great ride since I've always traveled to the state by train or Papa's car. The van stopped by few places - I bought few jambu air and ate wonderful kampung meals. Upon arriving Ipoh, Twelve fetched me and I crashed in at Ili's place.

About the Jelajah Batu Gajah, I had the idea from here: Batu Gajah Heritage Trail

You should try for a cheap but meaningful travel vacation. It took us less than three hours while we travel on car. Then you eat burger at Bazooka burger (That's what we did).
On our first attempt to carry out this Jelajah Batu Gajah trip, it was raining so heavily and the trip became a lot scarier. Lucky for me that Twelve's a good driver so we got out safe. So, maybe if you wish to do this trip, make sure it isn't gonna rain so bad. Especially because among the places to visit are cemetery and an old church and well, many old buildings.

Picture? Well, okay so, here:

Aaaaaaaa, yes, that's Twelve walking to his car which he parked beside the prison wall (in the camera's nostalgic mode). 

I'm a very camera-shy person (hiks) but I did shoot a couple of videos which to my knowledge, Twelve is editing them now. Right, dude? Right, right, riiiigghhhttt?

This is unnecessary but I ate A LOT during the trip. It wasn't a normal 'A LOT' but I did eat two plates of meal on my second night of the trip. I keep asking Twelve and Ili to feed me but they seemed to think like I was joking. Sobs. And An brought us to this Mak Endah stall (though to my surprise there was no signboard of Mak Endah near the stall) in Ipoh after the Argentina-Malaysia hockey match at Stadium Sultan Azlan Shah. It is a great place to eat, especially to broth lovers. 

Okay. On slightly irrelevant note, I'm going to open this blog for comments due to few readers' request. I'm not fond of the idea of being attacked by, erm, people who dislike what I write. But then again, not that I mind much now.

Until then.

footnote: This is a simply-just-because update.