21 October 2013

life as we expect it

You know what's odd?
One day, you overheard someone said that God loves you more when He gives you hardship like some kind of test.
Because apparently when God is testing us human, He is actually paying close attention to our life and behaviour and reactions.

And then you innocently thought, 'well, I guess my life is pretty smooth and easy for now. Maybe He doesn't love me as much as those in the middle of genocide war or those battling with diseases.'
Purely innocent.

Huge mistake.

Bam! Things came in.

You know what's weirder than these odds?
When God tests you with good offers.
Yes, instead of throwing you into a war of people killing one another or on a hospital bed surviving cancer, He gives you great life-changing offers instead.

So, say, He gave you two good choices to improve your future life. Both are tempting offers; and you get both on the same day. The thing is you can only choose ONE.

ONE out of these many choices. And you want both.
Two delicious cakes served on a plate and you can only choose one.

You sat there thinking and pondering. You were unable to give your answer.
Speechless. Out of words.

These great opportunities will normally turn up in everyone's life. But normally, they do not turn up at the same time.

When they do, yeah, all hells break lose.
Choice 1 wants you to choose them.
Choice 2 is just as tempting as Choice 1.

This shall pass, you know.

footnote: I am learning to hate weekends.