05 April 2010

Pillow Fight Day

Kebaboom. Kablam dabush.

Semalam masa tengah dinner kat PD, aku tengok buletin utama *applause, huge applause thank you thank you* sebab itu yang dia pasang kat TV so aku tengoklah.

Ending berita tu ada sedikit video tentang Pillow Fight Day. So hari ini aku google lah.
Sila lihat sini, official website Pillow Fight Day. Cool kan?
Baru aku tahu April 3rd tu Pillow Fight Day.

Malaysia pun celebrate oh! Sangaot cool!

Pillow Fight pun ada guidelines. You can't simply terjah and bam(!) kat orang.
Here is the list of guidelines. I got it from here.

A few easy guidelines to follow:
1. Bring a soft pillow. (try and find one without feathers- we don’t wanna leave a mess)
2. Only pillows allowed inside your pillow case!
3. Before the fight starts, try and hide your pillow! You can use put it in a bag, inside your shirt, behind a lamp post…under a squirrel…
4. Wait for the signal to begin. We will announce the signal when we announce the location- so don’t forget to check!
5. Only hit people who have pillows.
6. Don’t hit people with cameras.
7. Don’t forget to take off your glasses!
8. And umm…GO CRAZY!


Gambar ni aku curi kat 9gag.tumblr.com sebab aku rasa sangat sexayh. Ha ha.

Dulu masa muda-muda dulu (sekarang muda lagi), aku suka tidur ramai-ramai.
Bukan sebab aku takut tapi sebab rasa best ada orang tidur kiri kanan.

Kalau kat kampung dulu mesti tidur dengan sepupu ramai-ramai depan tv sebab bilik tak cukup. Gembiranyaaa.

Sekarang, aku tidur berseorangan dalam bilik.
Adik-adik aku tidur sama sebab dekat bilik mereka ada air-cond. Aku tak tahan sejuk so kena tidur sorang-sorang.

Timbul lah pertanyaan. Bila nak kahwin eh? He he. Gatal.

Tapi kan best, if they are fighting over tanah, harta, minyak, kuasa etc. and they use pillow fight method or catfight method. Baru seronok kita nak tengok ! Takde la nightmare sangat nak tengok darah dan bom. Ha ha.

footnote: Kenapa aku tak tahan sejuk ya?


  1. sexay giler yg dua dari kanan tu xD

    uih gatainyer nak kawennn haha

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