Just assume I am not a future teacher.
Personally, I think Last Minute Task Management is a subject that I would like to somehow propose to the authority who arrange the syllabus for students who take Education courses.
Being assigned for last minute task in school (not as students, but as teachers) is one pain in the a*s.
There was once, the school is organizing an event for the students. Once there is an event, there should be the teachers-in-charge.
So tell me, if the administrators announce the teachers-in-charge few days before a huge event comes, can you imagine how hectic the teachers would be in organizing whatever huge event there is?
And tell me, if this school is claimed as a prestigious school, the huge event is of course expected as something grand, wouldn't it?
How are the teachers-in-charge going to work things in few days and make is really huge to achieve the standard of being a prestigious school?
I see the administrators of some schools are so *insert the right word here*.
Am I being too direct here?
Being the administrator in a school with many rebellious teachers are also pain in the a*s.
Shouldn't one be tested with few tests and interviews before sitting in a position of an administrator?
You can't rule a company if you are not qualified enough right?
Same goes to this, you can't rule a school if you have less EQ than a normal being, I guess?
You can't force teachers to do a lot of work for you simply because you want to get to the highest ranking of all principals.
First, teachers are human, not robots.
Second, teachers are educators, they know a lot. Probably more than what you have in your head.
Third, teachers deserve to be appreciated. And you can't expect only the students to appreciate them. If the teachers work for you, you should also appreciate them. Macam orang kata, hutang budi dibawa mati?
Fourth, teachers have the right to sound things out. Like I said, they are human, aren't they? Not just human but knowledgeable human.
I think it is unfair if some people treat teachers like robots and they do things for the society/government/nation and when they are unable to handle it, some people claim they are quitters and also claim that teachers shouldn't complain because it is their responsibilities. And some people still would want to claim that teachers should sacrifice a lot like guru ibarat lilin yang membakar diri(?)
Teachers, for sure, are superhuman because they can juggle both teaching profesion and event management (if that ain't super, I don't know what that is) at the same time. And they are probably paid even lower than most event managers or tuition teachers.
I guess if you're adding in Last Minute Task Management for them they are super-duper human now right?
footnote: Ignore my language. This place is cold and noisy, I can't think straight.