08 November 2010

i am awesome

Reason for awesomeness: Tomorrow is the last day of first semester.

I've done a lot of thinking lately, which means I actually have a lot to say in this blog.
But something wrong occurred to me. 
And I couldn't post for quite awhile.

I've turned nocturnal these exam days.
This is what happened:
I sleep for hours during weekends (konon-kononnya nak topu tenaga untuk weekdays).
I found myself tired at night but I was paranoid if I have not studied enough. So I did not sleep because I was studying the whole night. It turns out I studied nothing because I was too tired.
In the exam hall, I had a terrible battle with the questions, coldness, migrain.
After the exam, I sleep the whole evening.
I wake up at night feeling fresher than ever. 
I studied.
I couldn't sleep.
I fought the battle in exam hall, again. Again and again.
I sleep again.

This thing happened for five days.
Tomorrow is the last paper and I am not going to let this happen to me ever again. Haha <-----see the spirit here.

Yet, I spent last night rolling on my bed laughing out loud watching Exploring Human Body series featuring Super Junior.

That is why I am awesome.
True story.

(This is a super self-conscious post. No comments needed HEHEHE)

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