Hello, my blood type is B - not surprising at all.
Few days back, my faculty held a carnival - I think it was Entrepreneurship Carnival - and I attended it. The event was being held every semester. They'd get people from National Blood Center to come so students can donate blood if they'd dare enough.
I donated my blood - successfully. Initially, my real purpose of donating my blood is to know what type of blood is running through my veins.
I had two attempts before and both at the same carnival but different semester.
My first attempt failed because I was underweight. So I ate a lot for the next carnival.
My second attempt, I'd gained enough weight but I had lack of iron in my blood.
I passed, finally, on my third attempt. At that moment, I had forgotten my real purpose. I was too nervous to be happy that I'd finally know what's my blood type.
Three period.
I fainted. Almost an hour after the blood donation process.
It was a REALLY hot day.
I ate a whole burger right before donating my blood.
I might have not gotten enough sleep the night before.
I sat behind Ita's booth because Eja - who'd been my company during the day - was helping Ita with her booth. Then, I moved to somewhere with less direct sunlight. I texted Mom and Dad and Twelve. They didn't reply. I called Twelve and he was in a meeting. I was sad. Then, I felt dizzy.
I walked to Eja to get her to bring me to the library. She was eating a pack of fried mushroom. We walked to the library together and I held her by her elbow.
"Are you okay?"
"I don't know. I can't hear you."
"Are you serious, dude?" (I think she said this or not dude, just my name - not sure)
"I don't know. I can't hear myself. Eja, I can't hear myself."
I stopped at the wall in front of the library because I couldn't walk further - and I passed out.
I remember being touched and I saw people rushing towards me. I remember trying to stand but my legs are too weak. I remember it was suddenly so cold and I thought I was dead. Actually, it was the library that is always cold. I kept my mind running because I couldn't feel or see or hear a thing. I was scared. I kept repeating "Am I dead? Am I dead?" all the time.
When they placed me on a sofa and left me alone, my eyes popped open and I realize that I might not be dead though the room was unfamiliar (it was librarian's conference room). And I laughed at myself.
Do not lie to the nurses about your sleeping/eating pattern. Seriously.
True story.
footnote: Among of the traits that blood type B portray are always not punctual, too straight-forward, couldn't be bothered and easily distracted while driving. You can check out more here and here. But it's general and some can be influenced by their environment.