18 June 2013


So I had a moderately hectic week.

I can say that I am getting used to all these busyness by the end of each semester. I couldn't return to Mama's home last weekend but the whole family came and visited me here.

We went to our uncle's house for a great dinner and also to visit his newborn son.
I have not held a baby for a long time and I was very eager to hold him in my hand.

Back to my rental house, I took a long shower. By long, I mean, it could probably have reached more than an hour.

I scrubbed my nails,
and washed my hair,
and brushed my teeth,
and rearranged my toiletries.

People say bathroom can be some sort of a thinking sanctuary.
I wouldn't disagree.

One. The semester is coming to an end. And practicum is around the corner. I'll have to go to a real school, enter real classrooms, teach real lessons to real students. Feelings? Half excited, half nervous.

Two. I need another vacation.  I just need a run. Planning one between practicum and end of semester.

Three. Paper cutter, paper cutter, paper cutter. To buy or not to buy? Oh pens! Stationery store.

Seven. I miss my family although I've just met them. Mama's leaving next week and I am excited for her and sad for myself. She deserves to travel. She actually earns it. I asked her for a baby brother and she replied, "Hahahahahaha NO." Well, worth the shot, I guess.

Nine. Young lovers. Right, I was young and I was in love. I will not put myself in better shoes than yours because if I've had the medium in my hand, I'd probably vented out the same. But I had and I did not. Thus, perhaps I am in the better shoes.

Twelve. Lokman is getting... well let me see, (erm I don't want to complain nor do I want to sound like complaining) a lot kinder lately. It makes me think and rethink of what have I done to him before or what have I NOT done to him. He is just too nice to be true. And I am too suspicious to enjoy the hospitality. HA HA. It's not that I do not trust him, of course I do. We're almost eight years(!) but I AM UNDOUBTEDLY UNDULY CURIOUS ABOUT IT.

My body was then foam less and shiny and clear.
And I turned off the shower.
I grabbed the huge over-sized fluffy blue towel that Mama gave me before and wrapped my body with it.
I remember the feeling was nice and comfortable due to the homey smell.

Then I stepped out of the bathroom, returning to my rental house with the reality swiftly lining up before me.