05 April 2010

a walk to remember

When everybody wants to feel appreciated. Termasuk sayur-sayuran.

Maybe I am just tired. I don't know. I have been sick and lost lately.
I need to cure this stupid cough.
I need to find a job to cure this boredom.
I need to overcome my fear towards medicine and vegetables.

I hate vegetables.
Orang kata, "Makan je lah. Tak rasa apa pun." WRONG.

Pantang ada rasa crispy crispy cair masuk mulut mesti aku cuba teka apa benda tu.
Mungkin bawang. Tak pun kubis. Atau sayuran lain.

Anyway, it is not that I reject all types of sayuran. I eat these :-
Kangkung, bayam, pucuk paku, timun dll.

I hate carrot. And cabbage. And cauliflower.
Why I hate carrot?
One day, I came back from madrasah. I was 8 years old by then.

"Assalamualaikum. Ma, dahaga!" <----belum salam mak dah minta air.

Sambil tengok drama, mak berkata "dalam peti ais ada air oren."

*buka peti ais*

"Yeay!" sambil minum dengan gelojoh.

"Eww ! Ma ! Ni air tak sedap !"

"Oh sorry, tu air carrot susu mama beli kat sekolah tadi. He he."

It was the same day I learnt to differentiate carrot juice and orange juice.

Whatever it is, I have to try force myself to eat vegetables, except for carrots because my mission is to donate blood.
Yes, hari tu masa saringan untuk blood donation, aku tak lepas sebab iron level yang rendah dan berat yg cukup-cukup makan.

But I eat a lot of fruits! Tak sama eh?

footnote: Anak mak semua kena makan sayur. Tak kira.


  1. daun kangkung bagi kau, batang nya bagi aku.. i loike batang u'know hahaha

  2. suruh anak makn sayur, mak x mau makan, ape cerite weyhh. HAHAHAHHA :))

  3. haahahhahah biar lah. i dont loike :)
