10 October 2012

tribute to Jimmy

Once upon a time.

This is a post about an assignment from my Creative Writing class. 
We had to present our personal scented object to our classmates, extract words of descriptions related to the object and construct a free verse poem with theme of life/death. Then, read it to the class.
This is my poem:

Death is inevitable
Live life as long as you're able
I snuggled at one corner of the room
Comfortably in my master's bedroom
I feel loved
And belonged

Death is inevitable
If only I could take these with me
Smell of late-night caffeine
Baby powder on her skin
Hot milo in the morning
And cotton cloth as treasure

Death is inevitable
And I'm ready to travel
Because I'm worn out and feeble
My life had been square
Yet uneven
But I'm content

Death is near
So bid my goodbye
To the big blue sky
To the bright yellow sun
To your cheerful siblings
To you loving parents

For these 10 years I've lived
Is more than just a gift
Live life as long as you're able
For death is inevitable

The underlined words were used to describe my all-time favourite blanket. 
I've mentioned about this blanket here: Reminiscence.

Anyway, the poem is about a dying cat. Most of my family's cats (which are truly detached to us) travelled away from home before their death except for Jimmy. He was our most favourite but he died because of a terrible accident which I witnessed myself (read here: Numb). I took the chance from this assignment to remember my best pet ever.

It has been a year since and we still remember you, Jimmy.

On slightly related note, our young Mitten safely delivered a single kitten (Baby D) last two weeks. They are as healthy as ever (I hope) and her boyfriend, Hiro (the healthiest, as I remembered) too.

Until then.