04 June 2010

about a boy (or a man)

I am that girl who will shout "I want to poop!" out loud in your kitchen.

I spent some years trying to be a man, or a boy. Doesn't matter; a male. It's not like I have to act like a male to be one. I just want to know how different they are from female (OF COURSE, despite of physical appearance).

These folks are weird creatures that I find interesting (this strongly means that I am straight). In essays during my crucial high school years of writing the essays for GCE-O Level, I usually choose to write narrative essays. I am so terrible with facts during those days. When I narrate, I like to put myself in man's or boy's shoes. It fascinates me a lot to guess how they think and feel towards other characters in my essays.

Friends like to read those essays but I always feel shy when they question on, 'why be a man?'. Beep, I was in a girls' school by then.

I tried to understand how man feels by looking at Twelve, my boy best friend. This one fails a little because boy best friend can sometimes incline me to do something selfish. Hey, I am a girl too.

Growing up with Twelve is one of the wonders in my life. It fascinates me a lot since I watch him grow for almost five years. I can say, at some parts he is just like any other boy. At few parts, he is a little different. Of course, his background influences this observation too. You can read more about it on my wordpress. Oh, I am not going to publish the link to you. He he.

This morning, one question crossed my mind; why do men need four women when women only can have one man to devote themselves for?

In Islam, Allah allows men to have four wives maximum provided that they are fair towards all their wives. You can spell fair, you can pronounce fair easily but it isn't easy to get it done. Anyway, women aren't allowed to have two, three or four husbands at one time.

There must be a logical reason to this but I am not pretty sure. How much can a man be so fair like a woman can't? A mother can always be fair to her nine children, can a husband be fair his four wives?

It is seriously not easy to be fair to, not even four, two wives.
Women have feelings too.
*penat speaking*

Okay, cuba bayangkan, kau ada dua bini. Dua-dua dapat rumah seorang sebiji; sama design, style, jumlah bilik etc. Dua-dua kau bagi kereta Mercedes; sama colour, harga, pengeluar model dan lain-lain. Tiap-tiap bulan nafkah sama dari bank yang sama. Jumlah hari kau visit kedua-dua mereka pun sama. Harta kau boleh nampak kan? Masa kau boleh kira kan?

Macam mana nak jadi adil dalam hal-hal yang abstrak?
Contohnya, kasih sayang. Kau tak boleh kira kasih sayang macam kau kira gula-gula kan?
Katakan la, seorang isteri ni nak jaga kesihatan kau so dia letak garam sikit je dalam omelette kau then kau marah dia sebab kurang garam dalam makanan kau.
Seorang lagi isteri nak kau cepat mampus supaya dia boleh dapat harta kau so dia letak sebaldi garam dalam omelette kau and kau sayang gila peluk cium kat dia sebab dapat telur goreng garam sebaldi *exagerrate gila en?*

Adil tak kau? Ini baru satu kes tapi kau hidup dengan dua perempuan ni seumur hidup. Boleh tak adil? Sebelah kaki kau kat neraka, ke nak masuk terus?

Macam panjang sangat je post ni.
Satu benda yang aku tak suka promise sneak peek dalam post lepas-lepas ialah aku tak post pun sneak peek tu. Kisah orang jahat dan barbecue masih pending dalam post box aku. He he, sorry.

footnote: Orang tu kaya kalau dia boleh ada kedua-dua masa dan harta yang banyak. Bukan harta sahaja atau masa sahaja. Ha ha.


  1. dulu.. aku pernah terfikir jugak.. kenapa perempuan dibenarkan kawin sekali jek.. cam tak adil lak tgk laki bleh kawen byk kan~
    tapi.. bile bace entry kau ni, tiba2 DIA mengilhamkan aku sesuatu..
    kalau perempuan kawin byk.. macam mane dye nak tau identiti ayah anak dlm kandunganya.. ayah budak tue, boleh jadi suami 1 atau suami 2.. kan?
    kalau dia ada 2 suami.. larat ke dia nak jaga 2 org suami ???
    hmm.. apa2 pon, aku x rase nak bersuami 2 3 4 5 ke brape2 pon xnak, ak nak 1 je. ak nak jaga dia dan anak kami elok2.. aku nak syg dia betul2.. dan.. aku x menghalang dia berpoligami, tapi khadijah dan fatimah x pernah dimadukan sepanjang hayat mereka, so aku pon nak jadi baikk cam diorang, so nanti my future hubby will treasure me sebagaimana Rasulullah dan S.Ali treasure their wife:) ok.. x bole bla gle komen aku kali ni~ hahaha~~

  2. org lelaki boleh kawin empat utk meramaikan lagi umat islam.st lagi utk bela nasib wanita.contoh, nabi pun kawin dgn janda2 kan?n pasal kasih sayang, even nabi pun cakap dia x boleh adil dalam hal tu, ape lg kita?hehe tp lelaki sekarang kawin pasal nafsu je byk.

    i like to read your blog.keep writing

  3. adults make us think outside of the box rather than just follow what religious designed for . am not sure which one is pretty good ?
